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Remember Who You Are

As a wayshower and agent for awakening, you’re going to hear from people that you’re too much. You’re going to hear that you’re pushing against their boundaries. You’re going to have people hide from you, walk away from you, and blame you for their resistance. Take it all to the fire for transmutation and SHINE anyway.
NEW SERIES starts 10-16:

Earth is calling us up into service, and that service is like a dust storm sometimes, churning up the energies, breaking up the blocks, and making a mess of things that are ripe for dismantling….like the ego.

Awakening is awkward, messy, conflicted, and wild. It doesn’t look perfect, but if you can trust the process you’ll see how perfect it actually is. The chaos is intentionally here to stir things up: you can’t expect it to be polite and nice so you can stay exactly as you are.

Luckily we have great allies for this awakening process. Tataware, the Spirit of Fire, is here with its electric blue flame of Truth, rose colored flame of Compassion, and golden flame of Energy to help us purify our confused minds and distorted perceptions, and heal our wounded hearts so we can open them even wider than before.

Overcoming separation consciousness takes the balls of a brass monkey. C’mon people…let’s gather to do it together.

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