“I’ve just completed an incredible 18-month journey with the Inner Medicine Program, and there’s no amount of words to describe my immense gratitude for saying yes to this programme! It has shown me the true meaning of Belonging, and it has completely changed the way I show up as a mom, as a wife, as a daughter. I’ve grown so much on a personal level and more importantly on a SOUL level. I’ve been able to finally take big action on my creative dreams. And I’ve made beautiful connections with the amazing women in our circle. Kerri is phenomenal at holding space with love, patience and wisdom.” – Nadine

“As a wounded healer Kerri’s inner medicine program exceeded my expectations above and beyond anything I could have ever imagined. Kerri is a master of her craft and has curated a holistic, transformative, powerful, and quantum container of support, healing, and wisdom. I would recommend her to anyone who seeks to empower themselves, discover their gifts, clear karmic patterns, emanate authenticity, and walk the beauty way of your dreams. Thank you Kerri!!” – Angela

Kerri’s programs have helped me to understand my lack of confidence, my tendency to lash out at others, and my deep seeded need for approval from the most judgmental people. Today I am working towards my dreams, I’m so much gentler with myself, and I’ve learned that failure isn’t tragedy or proof of my worthlessness, it’s part of learning and my Self Worth isn’t dependent on my accomplishments or others perception of me.
– Bonny Lowe, Founder of Healer of the Spirit Coaching

My favorite part about working with Kerri Hummingbird is that she is there in the dirt – learning herself as she teaches us. She doesn’t claim to know all the answers or how to fix your problems. She teaches us and guides us to see the wisdom and magic of the ancients. We learn to heal ourselves and our ancestral line. She teaches us to believe in magic again and it becomes contagious to those around us. The One Year Program combines several teachings from different ancestral lineages as well as other spiritual practices. The community allows us to have a place to come together to share our experiences. A place to feel safe when we feel most vulnerable. A place to get a different perspective. In truth, the person I am today would not recognize the person I was before working with Kerri Hummingbird. I am grateful everyday to have her in my life and to continue to learn from her.
– Nicole Harris, Registered Dietitian

I have had the honor of working with Kerri Hummingbird as both colleague and as her student and I am continually inspired by her as both friend and mentor. Kerri is stand for personal liberation, sovereignty and truth. Not only will she lovingly hold space for inquiry and exploration of deep inner work in service to others, but she is consistently doing her own deep work, always willing to share her revelations with others in a heartfelt and authentic way. If I could use two words to describe her, these words would be “trustworthy” and “warm”. She trusts herself to know what she knows while also staying open and curious. She doesn’t shy away from the messy places we humans end to avoid, and I’ve seen her lovingly tend to and respond to others who are struggling or facing crisis and I always experience her as mirroring back the light so that those who walk with her can show up for themselves with more self-love, support and ease. Kerri is a treasure, and I highly recommend working with her. She has done the deep work of the archetypical mother and healer. She is a loving and courageous guide for other men and women who wish to cross the threshold into their own awakening and beyond. We all blessed to have her in our lives.
– Monica Rodgers Founder The Revelation Project

As a spiritual empowerment coach, I searched for a mentor who was further along in the soul journey who could teach me new skills and overcome energetic blocks so I could serve my tribe better. It’s taken me a long time to find such a person but Kerri is one of the few people I have worked with who was actually able to help me access deep-seated lifelong trauma—what I call sacred wounds—to finally heal and release stuck energy that was holding me back in life, love and business. She is a gifted healer and has the utmost love, compassion and integrity when holding space for her clients to shift into a more empowered place in life. If you are looking for a trustworthy guide to show you how to transform yourself at the soul level Kerri is absolutely my go-to person. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for the real deal. Worth every penny!
– Kristina Wolf, Wolf Mastery

I am beyond grateful my path has brought me to Kerri as my uniquely powerful transformation coach. The journey of self discovery and soulfully deep healing is actually never ending, but with Kerri as my guide, teacher and healer, I am stronger and braver than ever before. She has shown me my worth, my truth, and has helped me see the humor in my mistakes (lessons) as I continue this life. She has shifted my perception of myself, my partner, and my entire view of this beautiful world.
– Caitlin Peterson


“…the single best investment in myself for years”
“Kerri Hummingbird has quickly become a mentor in my spiritual journey; a place where I’ve been feeling overwhelmed and stuck for a long time. Early on, my toolbox is quickly filling with resources I can use every day to be more at ease, less anxious, and less frustrated. The biweekly Circles come alive with Kerri’s magical mix of healing, humor, and friendship with gentle nudges of encouragement along the way. It’s a safe space where I can expand at my own pace, the slow burn of transformation. Joining Butterfly Circle has been the single best investment in myself for years, and I highly recommend Kerri as a Soul Guide!”
– Rachel Collins


Kerri helps you make a massive transformation. Working with Kerri, I was able to clear out some negative emotions that were holding me back, and reprogram some hard-wired self-limiting beliefs. I highly recommend Kerri. If you’re experiencing any life challenges, if you’re blocked or stuck in any way, Kerri will unblock and un-stuck you.
– Wendy Nolin

Powerful!! I have been experiencing some dramatic shifts…I feel so much more clear and open!!! I really appreciate you and your gift.
– Jennifer Finegold


I actually won a radio contest for free tickets in Vegas right after leaving a session with Kerri! I have been using Kerri Hummingbird’s services for three years now. If you have times of serious emotional or physical stress, there is nobody better to help guide you through your path to healing. I would recommend her to anyone!
– Jason Rogers, D.C.

I simply wouldn’t be the same person I am today without Kerri’s help and support. I have had the privilege to work with Kerri for several years now. Her support and expertise have been nothing short of instrumental to my personal growth and empowerment. Her consistency, warmth, knowledge and approach are a perfect fit for me. That’s why I always mention her to my friends and individuals who may need her expertise.
– Paola Aguillon-Brashear

Kerri has an infectious positive energy which has helped me get over myself and quit worrying about doing an exercise wrong.After years of being taught that there is one right way and a million wrong ways to do something, Kerri is helping me see it’s the other way around; there are a million right ways, and the only real wrong way to do something that you want to accomplish is to not even give it a try. I wholeheartedly suggest you give Kerri Hummingbird’s services a shot. Let her bring some light to the parts of you that are in shadow.
– Jay Brenizer