
Embodying the Elements – Live Series

Sundays for 6 weeks @ 8p ET / 7p CST / 5p PT
December 1/8/15/22 + January 5/12

As the pressures mount in our lives, we can either buckle and break under the weight of responsibility, or we can learn to practice mastery and thrive. We can either burn down bridges, or let the fire transmute pain into wisdom and presence. We can drown in our emotions and the heaviness of the world, or we can learn to alchemize frequencies and flow with Life. We can let ourselves be swept up in the tempest, or we can stay focused and intentional so we can catch the wind with our sails and fly.

There is no doubt we are being called up into greater mastery. Are you feeling it too?

How will you meet that call? We invite you to meet it like a master. Join us for this special 6-week live series — Embodying the Elements–and develop a deeper relationship with the elements that will support you in moving intentionally and consciously through your life to create beauty out of whatever comes.

Each week we will drop in deeper with an element to understand its potency in our lives, we will take a shamanic healing journey with the element, and we will practice engaging the element through personal ritual work.


Be Water, My Friend – Soul Nectar Tribe Gathering

Watch the replay!

This month in Soul Nectar Tribe we are exploring the book “Be Water, My Friend” by Shannon Lee, daughter of Bruce Lee. As a lifetime Martial Artist, Akeem is very excited about this discussion. And as a person comfortable in her fire, Kerri is excited to work with the element of Water in September.

This community gathering is free to the public, and gives you a taste of the conversations that Akeem Sami and Kerri Hummingbird Sami facilitate all month long through daily drips of inspiration in Soul Nectar Tribe portal on Telegram.

If you would like to receive this daily inspiration for your own path of self mastery, you can join Soul Nectar Tribe for the whole year for just $52. You can send $52 to Venmo ( ), PayPal ( ), or Credit ( ) to join our community.


Inner Medicine Training – Level I – February 26, 2025

This 6-month foundation in Earth wisdom guides you to a whole new experience of Life:

– Learn how to call on the forces of nature to help you
– Quiet the chattering mind to hear your soul and Mother Earth
– Claim the wisdom from your wounds
– Heal your relationships, beginning with self-love
– Deepen your intuitive gifts to trust your knowing
– Practice sacred ceremonies that transform your life
– Feel seen, heard, and wanted in a community where you belong

Six months fly by as you rewire the foundation of your life from fear to love. Supported and guided by the potent traditions of ancient Andean medicine with blessings from the Q’ero Nation from the sacred mountains of Peru, you will walk your path with integrity, beauty, and love. You will experience munay (unconditional love) and ayni (right relationship), and watch how these energies infuse your life with grace. We also weave in the ancient iChing teachings from the Himalayas, the Toltec wisdom from Mexico, and jungle medicine from Peru.

Beginning February 26, 2025: The program is limited to 15 adventurers. It goes deep and offers comprehensive support for your transformation. Level I – Foundation is the required program before continuing to Level II – Rebirth and Level III – Prosperity, after which you are a Full Mesa Carrier in our community. If you want to be certified as an Inner Medicine Healing Practitioner, and be listed on this website with links to your services, you must begin with Level I – Foundation. Healer, Know Thyself. Book a Discovery Session to explore if this is right for you.

Details are here:


Peru 2025 – Say Yes to the Adventure!

Monday September 30, 2024
8p ET / 7p CST / 5p pt

Do you feel called to Peru to visit with the Sacred Mountains? Come to this free gathering to learn about the magic that happens on our 10-day retreat to the Sacred Valley in the Andes mountains of Peru.

We will introduce you to the indigenous medicine people, the Q’ero, who live high up in the Andes close to Mother Earth and practice the ancient traditions of their ancestry to create harmony, health and happiness. You will learn about the sacred ceremonies, healings, and powerful prayer locations that we experience over our 10 days in the Sacred Valley from June 23, 2025 to July 4, 2025.

We will answer questions about what happens on our retreat, about our wellness program in advance of the retreat to ensure a good experience at high altitude, as well as any other questions you have.



Sacred Valley Retreat – Peru, June 23, 2025 through July 4, 2025

What if you could set into motion a total life transformation in just 11 days? You can.

At this retreat, you will step through a magical doorway to pure potential with Kerri Hummingbird and her friends the Q’ero wisdom keepers.

Details for the retreat are here:


The Courage To Act On Your Sacred Yes


How many times have you received the Sacred Yes within your heart to follow a direction, and then you stall out with indecision, procrastination, doubt, worry, confusion, resistance, and scarcity of resources?

Or maybe life delivers an unexpected event into your life that throws you off course from your intention?

Would you like to overcome this pattern?
Do you want to understand why it keeps happening?

The long term solution is to lean into the discomfort and ACT when you get a Sacred Yes, and Inner Medicine Training supports you with the shadowwork, practices, wisdom, and healing to do just that…ACT.

For now, this webinar – The Courage To Act on Your Sacred Yes – will offer you a space to wrestle with your inner demons and naysayers so you can claim your sacred yes and manifest it through your action.

Join us to experience Inner Medicine Training in action! Our next Level I circle with Owl begins August 11, so you still have time to ACT on the Sacred Yes in your heart. This *might* be useful to you if you watch back the recording and someone else just happens to have your same issue with acting on a Sacred Yes. However, why take that chance? How about just making the choice to be present and live on the call with your camera on, ready to receive this gift of Inner Medicine?

Being the Hollow Bone: Introduction to Inner Medicine Training Free & Experiential Webinar


Do you feel called to be a healer, shaman or medicine woman/man? To be the hollow bone requires a strong foundation of inner medicine. You’re invited to this pathway.

Come to this introductory webinar about the Inner Medicine Training program and find out more about Level I – Foundation, a unique six-month medicine wheel mystery school program gets you on the golden line for the highest outcomes, including unleashing your Divine purpose.

The next Level I – Foundation class begins Sunday August 11, 2024. Watch the replay to experience sacred dreaming.


Be the Sacred Dreamer: Introduction to Inner Medicine Training Free & Experiential Webinar

Are you ready to change the course of destiny for your entire family system while going after the dreams in your heart?

When we become a Sacred Dreamer, we operate outside of Time to heal ourselves and our families multidimensionally to create better future potentials. Come to this introductory webinar about the Inner Medicine Training program and find out more about Level I – Foundation, a unique six-month medicine wheel mystery school program gets you on the golden line for the highest outcomes, including unleashing your Divine purpose.

The next Level I – Foundation class begins Sunday August 11. Watch the replay to find out more.

Watch the replay:


Walking with Protection Free & Experiential Webinar

Receive the Bands of Protection from the Munay Ki which add a layer of protection to your auric field from the elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. Experience these protective bands in your energy field and then take a short shamanic journey to connect with the elements and receive guidance.

Watch the replay


Dragonfly Lightning Replay

The Gene Keys offer incredible insights into our human behavior, and give us a pathway to allow, accept, and embrace all of who we are—shadows to light.

I’ve been running an experiment over the last couple of years to see what happens when we put the Gene Keys, which are steeped in iChing wisdom from the Himalayas, inside the sacred medicine bundle from the Andes mountains, called a Mesa.

The result: Lightning ⚡️

⚡️ The stones help capture the frequencies of your Gene Keys.

⚡️ The Mesa anchors those frequencies in your personal Universe for support with embodiment through stone magic.

⚡️ The lineage of Andes medicine people beyond the veil support your evolution to homo luminous via the Mesa and initiations you receive.

This is a path to the rainbow body and homo luminous. Walk with us.

Learn more about the Inner Medicine Training program and how we integrate the Gene Keys into our Andean Mystery School by watching the replay.


A Compass for Sacred Living: Self-Guided Course

The Four Directions are not just directional tools on your map. They are consciousness beings that help give you an inner compass so you can find your way gracefully through any situation Life delivers to your door. When you call on the Four Directions, they answer with wisdom and insights to help you understand and make better choices.

Take the self-guided journey today! 



Shamanic Journey with the Power Animals: Self-Guided Course

The four primary Power Animals are allies here to help you access the different aspects of your consciousness. Serpent opens up your kundalini energy for embodiment, Jaguar helps you process emotion and learn intuitionHummingbird guides you to use your imagination to bring sweet nectar into your life, and Eagle lifts you to new heights of realization. Each of these power animals relates to a part of your human brain, and you’ll learn how to build strong relationships with them in this course.

Take the self-guided journey today! 



Join Soul Nectar Tribe!

If you resonate with “black sheep” (or as we like to call it, “rainbow sheep”)… you belong with us!

In Soul Nectar Tribe, you have a community of rainbow sheep who also love spiritual conversation, evolution, becoming luminous and loving, and living a purposeful life. We understand sensitive empaths and know how challenging it is to be such a big feeler in a world that is often insensitive. We know it’s hard to talk about mystical experiences with people who haven’t had them. We all feel the call to purpose to make the world a better place for future generations.

Soul Nectar Tribe is your SAFE PLACE to be YOU.

We gather on the 7th of the month for Soul Play, and the 17th of the month for Soul Nectar Tribe Gathering. The first 30 days is free.

Sign up here:

Love Mastery Game: An Oracle for Wisdom Keepers
Free Online Game

Love is all that is. When you master the art of love, you enjoy your life and all the experiences it offers you. As you master love, you gain wisdom you get to keep.

You are invited to play the 5-day Love Mastery Game which opens a sacred doorway to a synchronistic interactive journey with the Divine on Earth. It’s a small taste of the magic and transformation that happens in Butterfly Circle.



Soul Nectar Show

Soul Nectar Show ( is an online interview forum whose mission is to inspire people to take the journey to living from essence. Every week you’ll receive to your email a link to an inspirational interview with a person who has taken the journey to live their passions…and succeeded!

Episodes delivered to your email include the video of the full interview as well as free offers from our guests.

Watch Soul Nectar Show!

You can listen to previous Soul Nectar Episodes here: