Transform your life with Level I – Foundation of Inner Medicine Training

Begins  February 26, 2025

This 6-month foundation in Earth wisdom guides you to a whole new experience of Life:

– Shift from stress and drama to graceful flow by learning how to call on the forces of nature to help you
– Quiet the chattering mind to hear your soul and Mother Earth and receive effort-saving wisdom
– Claim the wisdom from your wounds and let go of the hurts
– Heal and completely transform your relationships, beginning with self-love
– Deepen your intuitive gifts and learn to trust your knowing
– Practice sacred ceremonies that restore balance, harmony, and blessings to your life
– Feel seen, heard, and wanted in a community where you belong

Kerri Hummingbird Sami and Akeem Sami, founders of Inner Medicine Training, are co-facilitating this Level I – Foundation series, bringing you a balanced masculine/feminine container. Kerri brings a dozen years as a shamanic practitioner, with her certifications as an advanced healing practitioner by the Four Winds Light Body School and the Power Path School of Shamanism, and her work as a messenger with four #1 int’l bestselling books about shamanism. Akeem brings his lifetime of martial arts mastery as a 6th degree black belt to the program, as well as his training as a pranic and advanced shamanic healer, offering rich insights about mastering self.

“I’ve just completed an incredible 18-month journey with the Inner Medicine Program, and there’s no amount of words to describe my immense gratitude for saying yes to this programme! It has shown me the true meaning of Belonging, and it has completely changed the way I show up as a mom, as a wife, as a daughter. I’ve grown so much on a personal level and more importantly on a SOUL level. I’ve been able to finally take big action on my creative dreams. And I’ve made beautiful connections with the amazing women in our circle. Kerri is phenomenal at holding space with love, patience and wisdom.” – Nadine

Six months fly by as you rewire the foundation of your life from fear to love. Supported and guided by the potent traditions of ancient Andean medicine with blessings from the Q’ero Nation from the sacred mountains of Peru, you will walk your path with integrity, beauty, and love. You will experience munay (unconditional love) and ayni (right relationship), and watch how these energies infuse your life with grace. We also weave in the ancient iChing teachings from the Himalayas, the Toltec wisdom from Mexico, and jungle medicine from Peru.

Beginning February 26, 2025: The program is limited to 15 adventurers. It goes deep and offers comprehensive support for your transformation. Level I – Foundation is the required program before continuing to Level II – Rebirth and Level III – Prosperity, after which you are a Full Mesa Carrier in our community. The full transformational process we offer includes all three levels for completion: Level I, Level II, and Level III. You can take a pause between levels if you need space to integrate. If you want to be certified as an Inner Medicine Healing Practitioner, and be listed on this website with links to your services, you must begin with Level I – Foundation. Healer, Know Thyself. Book a Discovery Session to explore if this is right for you.

“As a wounded healer Kerri’s inner medicine program exceeded my expectations above and beyond anything I could have ever imagined. Kerri is a master of her craft and has curated a holistic, transformative, powerful, and quantum container of support, healing, and wisdom. I would recommend her to anyone who seeks to empower themselves, discover their gifts, clear karmic patterns, emanate authenticity, and walk the beauty way of your dreams. Thank you Kerri!!” – Angela

What you’ll learn…

  • How to build your own inner compass for navigating your soul’s journey by working with the Four Directions (South, West, North, and East).
  • Ways to boost your instincts and powers with embodied seeds of animal allies (serpent, jaguar, hummingbird, eagle, and condor).
  • Powerful ceremonies and rituals that liberate you from constrictions of all kinds and open up your potentials.
  • The Four Agreements as a way of life to help you be impeccable with your Word, not take anything personally, avoid assumptions, and do your best.
  • How to see the Beauty in everything that happens in your life, transmuting shadows and negativity into gold and wisdom.
  • How to navigate the mental pathways that have caused you suffering in the past so you can lift everything to a higher octave of blessings in your life.
  • What it feels like to have a strong lineage of medicine people have your back on a daily basis, and ancestors who guide you in your decisions.
  • What it means to be a healer and steward of life on Earth as a sacred Mesa Carrier and Pampemesayok initiate of the Q’ero Nation in the Sacred Valley of Peru.
  • What your Life’s Work, Purpose, Evolution, and Radiance are in your Gene Keys which is based on your time/date/location of birth and the iChing ancient wisdom.

Kerri is stand for personal liberation, sovereignty and truth. Not only will she lovingly hold space for inquiry and exploration of deep inner work in service to others, but she is consistently doing her own deep work, always willing to share her revelations with others in a heartfelt and authentic way. If I could use two words to describe her, these words would be “trustworthy” and “warm”. She trusts herself to know what she knows while also staying open and curious. She doesn’t shy away from the messy places we humans end to avoid, and I’ve seen her lovingly tend to and respond to others who are struggling or facing crisis and I always experience her as mirroring back the light so that those who walk with her can show up for themselves with more self-love, support and ease. Kerri is a treasure, and I highly recommend working with her.  – Monica Rodgers, The Revelation Project

What you’ll receive…

  • Live weekly calls with Kerri Hummingbird for six months where you will be guided on a shamanic journey into deep connection with the forces of Nature and your soul.
  • Shamanic healing through the hollow bone of Kerri Hummingbird as part of the mystical journey every week.
  • 24×7 support from the etheric lineage that supports Inner Medicine Training and Kerri Hummingbird.
  • Sacred medicine bundle cloths called a Mesa, hand-woven by our Q’ero medicine guides Tomas and Lucia.
  • Munay Ki activations in your energy body including the Ayni Karpay, Bands of Power and Protection, Hempe Healer Rites, Pampamesayok Rites, and Kawak Rites (from the Four Winds Light Body School).
  • Practice in the Four Agreements: Be Impeccable with your Word, Don’t Take Anything Personally, Don’t Make Assumptions, Do Your Best. (Kerri Hummingbird mentored with HeatherAsh Amara, a protégé of the father of the Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz).
  • Alignment to your Gene Keys frequencies to support moving out of the Shadows and into the Gifts and Siddhis for your Life’s Work, Purpose, Evolution, and Radiance keys.
  • Activation Sequence course on the Gene Keys website.
  • Supplemental guided meditations: Clearing with Sacred Tobacco, Grounding with Mother Earth, Shielding Meditation, Child Healing Meditation, Cleaning Up Ancestral Patterns Meditation, Clear Shadow Bring Light to Inner Children Meditation, Cut Cords with Disempowering Family Dynamics Meditation, Soul Retrieval Healing Meditation and more!
  • Recordings of all class sessions as well as the self-guided video course Sacred Living with the Four Directions.
  • Free shamanic healings from students of the Inner Medicine Healer Training Program.
  • Telegram app group: A private chat space where you can connect with the other course participants. This is a place to ask questions, share processes and receive feedback on your experiences.
  • Lifetime access. Access your studies for as long as you please, you are also welcome to download these materials to keep.
  • Certification in Level I – Foundation of Inner Medicine Training so you are eligible to continue into Level I – Rebirth which takes you down the Venus Sequence in the Gene Keys to heal your relationship patterns.

My favorite part about working with Kerri Hummingbird is that she is there in the dirt – learning herself as she teaches us. She doesn’t claim to know all the answers or how to fix your problems. She teaches us and guides us to see the wisdom and magic of the ancients. We learn to heal ourselves and our ancestral line. She teaches us to believe in magic again and it becomes contagious to those around us. The community allows us to have a place to come together to share our experiences. A place to feel safe when we feel most vulnerable. A place to get a different perspective. In truth, the person I am today would not recognize the person I was before working with Kerri Hummingbird. I am grateful everyday to have her in my life and to continue to learn from her.
– Nicole Harris, Registered Dietitian

Practical Details

We meet every Wednesday over Zoom from February 26, 2025 through August 2025 from 7-8:30pm CST (8-9:30pm ET / 6-7:30pm MST / 5-6:30pm PT).  Sessions are recorded, and you are strongly encouraged to attend each session in person. There is also homework each week that takes an hour (more if you devote yourself to more discovery).

You will receive a bundle of sacred cloths woven by medicine people from the Q’ero Nation in the Sacred Valley of Peru. These cloths are woven with prayer for your path, and offer you significant support as you build your Mesa. The materials cost for this bundle of sacred cloths is $250 US and is included in your Deposit/Materials Fee. The money goes directly to the Q’ero.

By entering this program, you agree to attend sessions live and watch recordings for sessions missed. You agree to complete the program in full and graduate in August 2025 from Level I. To help you fulfill this commitment, we require all payments to be made in full whether or not you stay in the program. If you miss more than 3 sessions in a row, or if you disappear completely, you will still owe any remaining balance. This structure is to support your commitment to completing the Level I Training, and we will explain why this is so important at our first gathering.

Along the way of the Level I Training, you may wish to have mentoring. Sessions can be booked with Kerri or Akeem for special student pricing of $177 for an hour. This is an additional service outside of the program costs. You may also wish to have healing sessions, and our Healing Practitioners in training offer these sessions freely to Inner Medicine students. This is one way our community comes together to support each other.


Enroll Today!

Deposit/Materials Fee (non-refundable): $1111  (PayPal, Venmo)
This includes: Mesa cloth bundle from the Q’ero in Peru ($250), Gene Keys Activation Sequence Online Course ($150), Gene Keys Kindle Book ($12.99), and Ceremonial Activation with our Q’ero Shaman (over Zoom).

Monthly Investment for 6 months: $577/mo  (PayPal, Credit Card)
* plus Deposit/Materials Fee

LUMP SUM (Everything Up Front): $4111
Offer payment via PayPal and use Venmo, Apple Pay, PayPal Credit, or Credit/Debit
* save 10%, includes Deposit/Materials Fee

All Inclusive Bundle over 9 months: $500/mo (PayPal, Credit Card)
* includes Deposit/Materials Fee and monthly investment


We offer a limited number of scholarships and community contribution packages for economically disadvantaged applicants who feel a very strong call to this work. If that is you, please schedule a Discovery Session.


Adventure with us in Peru’s Sacred Valley in June 2025!

We would love for you to join us for a powerful adventure in Peru’s Sacred Valley in June 2025! You’ll start your mesa in the presence of Q’ero medicine people for activations and initiations into your inner medicine.

More information about the Peru Retreat in 2025 is HERE:\
Book a Discovery Session to find out more and see if this is right for you!

As a participant in Level I – Foundation training, you’ll receive a student price for the Peru Retreat.


What’s After Level I?

Completing Level I may be enough for you.  If you want more, you can keep going and we welcome you to! To become a full Mesa Carrier recognized by our Inner Medicine Program, and able to take our Inner Medicine Healer Training (12-months for certification to become one of our practitioners), you’ll also need these trainings:

  • Level II – REBIRTH training will be September 2025 through April 2026. This eight-month training is one hour weekly over Zoom to support you with inner child healing, ancestral healing, inner mother healing, inner father healing, and relationship and family healing. You’ll move through the Venus sequence in the Gene Keys and add those kuyas (medicine stones) to your Mesa.
  • Level III – Prosperity training will be May 2026 through August 2026. This four-month training is one hour weekly over Zoom to support you with claiming your prosperity and perfect alignment to share your gifts in the world. You’ll heal your relationship with money, step confidently into your life’s work, and align yourself in the places your gifts will really shine. You’ll move through the Prosperity sequence in the Gene Keys and add those kuyas (medicine stones) to your Mesa.

Once you are a full Mesa Carrier recognized by our Inner Medicine Training, you will be invited to take our Inner Medicine Healer Training which begins February 2027 to become a certified Level I Inner Medicine Healing Practitioner listed on our website.