What would it be like to have a circle of womxn who have your back?
Who see you as in the process of becoming who you are meant to be…
Who can hold space for all of who you are, from the sticky moments up to your delight and celebration…
As womxn, we are re-learning how to be in relationship with each other. We are rewiring competition and comparison into celebration that embraces every individual’s “win” as a collective success.
As womxn, we are rediscovering our inherent worth as an inner state of being rather than a resume of outer accomplishments.
As womxn, we are learning to nurture and replenish our own sacred vessel and essence. Then from this space of inner bounty, we can offer gifts in service to others…no strings attached nor expectation of reciprocity.
As womxn, we are doing the inner rewiring to re-establish the sacred hoop, and to weave the community web of support, that womxn are to a family, a tribe, a nation, and a world.
Join us at Calling All Earth Mamas sacred virtual gathering on October 30 to be part of this rewiring of womxn consciousness.
Are you ready to finally feel what it’s like to have a tribe that has your back?