Yes I am lucky 

I have a deep soul partner who is also an amazing masseuse. I get to live my soul purpose each and every day. I have incredible friends I can call for support. I connect in a fulfilling way each week with my mom. And there’s some important things to know about luck…

My Dad used to say that luck was being prepared for opportunity. He was always extremely lucky…money just fell from the sky for this man.
For my own exploration about luck, I would add that being
really lucky
is about being courageous enough to go after what you deeply desire, and being willing to be devoted to your dreams.

I would also add that it doesn’t matter how lucky you are if you can’t see how lucky you are.
Luck is all about resourcefulness, commitment, trust, and perception. To play in the bounty of these gifts, I had to move through the inner hurdles of inadequacy, half heartedness, suspicion, comparison, and judgment.
To help me move through these tests, I called on sacred space from the Four Directions to help me feel safe. Magic doesn’t happen for a fearful mind. It happens for an open trusting heart.
I called on great serpent to help me remember my wisdom deep in the roots of connection to Mother Earth.
I called on Jaguar to help me stay focused and confident in myself.
I called on Hummingbird to help me regain my childhood imagination and tell better stories on myself.
I called on Eagle and Condor to help me rise above my limited view to see the bigger picture from the eyes of my soul.
A lot of people think I’m bragging when I share about the success of The Second Wave book or my love partnership with A Akeem Sami. I understand. I suffered from suspicion too on my way to trust.
What I am actually doing is sharing. Every single person deserves to be
enough to live their dreams. If I can help make that lucky life a reality, that’s cause to celebrate.

Next opportunity to learn is coming next Tuesday October 11 for 8 weeks over Zoom: Sacred Living: Four Directions & Power Animals. The reciprocity is well worth the game changer this path offers you.
Plus…I always keep my students in daily tobacco prayers to help everyone move through fear back into love. It’s pretty awesome to be held that way
give it a whirl