Holiday Healing Package: Your 5th session is FREE

This holiday season, give your relationships the gift of a healed heart and presence through energy medicine.

For twenty years at weekly psychotherapy sessions I tried to heal myself and my relationships, but it was hard. I felt like I wasn’t making much progress.

The best I felt I could hope for was to learn to cope with things as they were.

Can you relate?

Then I discovered energy medicine and as I began practicing what I learned, my relationships healed without struggle.

I shifted from trying to fix things in my external world to bringing everything that I felt and witnessed into energy medicine sessions for transformation.

Viola! My relationships began healing and transforming, my family gatherings became pleasant to engage with, and the joy returned to my heart.

I believe the best gift we can give our families is a healed heart and loving presence.

That’s why I created the Holiday Healing Package…to encourage you to try energy medicine for yourself and see results in real time this holiday season.

Purchase 4 sessions and receive the 5th one free!
Holiday Package – 5 One Hour Sessions – $600 (click to schedule)
Holiday Package – 5 30-Minute Sessions – $300 (click to schedule)