image-263If you are ready to radically change your life and enjoy the experience of being single and free, you will benefit from this coaching program. Kerri shares her wisdom and tools/practices she learned along the journey from the ending of a 20 year We relationship to her current Me lifestyle.

You will:

  • Let go of conditioning from childhood
  • Step out of “roles” not authentic to your being
  • Retrain your brain with positive self agreements
  • Liberate yourself from energetic cords
  • Release old stagnant emotions
  • Rewire default toxic patterns with new, consciously chosen patterns
  • Run experiments to find out what YOU like
  • Become neutral about the We construct
  • Cultivate personal power
  • Envision a new empowering life

Daily Inspiration – $28/month

First month is 50% off! Only $14!

For less than a dollar a day you will receive guidance and inspiration to help you get through your transition from being in a We relationship to being in a Me lifestyle. Choose from several categories to focus the inspiration to your current circumstances: Struggling at the end, Coping with the loss, Finding yourself again, Exploring dating, Being alone, Loving your life. 30 days of inspiration direct to your email! (Sample email)

Daily Inspiration and Videos – $70/month

First month is 50% off! Only $35!

This package adds a weekly teaching video to the daily inspiration messages. Videos teach you powerful practices for reclaiming your energy and letting go of all that no longer serves you.

From We to Me Coaching Package – $360/month

The structure of this program includes bi-weekly one-hour coaching calls, daily inspiration, a copy of the From We To Me ebook, and a weekly video that teaches you a power-reclaiming practice. The From We To Me package deal is a 10-25% savings off booking services individually. When you book the From We To Me coaching package, you will start with a one-hour coaching call at which we will book the remaining sessions for the month.

More Resources

If you are going through a divorce in the Austin area, refer to the Austin Divorce Resources Group for helpful information, events, and connection to experienced professionals.